MP3 Player

. Saturday, December 27, 2008
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How to Choose the Best MP3 Player

mp3-playerJogging, exercises in the gym or even walking through City Park to your home will be much boring without any entertainment in your pocket. Nowadays, young people consider portable a music player as the best affordable entertainment in daily activities. With a low cost MP3 player, we could play any kind of music from hundred of songs to thousand, even now there is MP3 player with multi function purposes, such as FM radio.

But, before choosing the best MP3 player for your need, there is some steps customer need to consider. The first step is to consider the MP3 player capacity that you want, in the market today; there are two types of MP3 player storage, flash disk storage and mini hard disk. Customer that frequently use their MP3 player and had thousand of songs collection will need mini hard disk storage, while less frequent user will only need flash disk storage player.

The second step is to consider the MP3 player features, radio or video player features will cost customer more than average MP3 player that only play MP3 without any sophisticated features like sorting songs based on music genre or album.

The third step is matching your budget with the MP3 player you want to purchase, should you buy premium brand with premium prices and sound or just a low cost MP3 player with average music quality.

The last step is the battery durability, some products not needing any battery, but need to recharges after several times, while others using battery for their power. Checks the up time of the battery and match it with your needs.

Summary on how to choose the best MP3 player for your daily portable entertainment will be:

1. Choose the best suitable storage capacity
2. Match features with your need
3. Match the cost with your budget
4. Check the battery durability.

By Zidni Agni Apriya